Page 4 - Contact Autumn 2015
P. 4
Meet the New High Kirk Interns Tell us a bit about yourself I’m Lisa Jackson; 18 years old and I’ve just fnished school at Ballymena Academy. I love my friends and family, heartfelt chats over coffee, holidays, hockey and reading when I fnd the time. And of course High Kirk has a soft spot in my heart. Tell us a bit about your faith journey and what you’re excited about and expectant for during your time as intern here in High Kirk... I grew up in High Kirk and came to faith at Girls’ Brigade when I was 8 and from the age of 14, I began to get more involved in church ministries and loved every minute of it! I originally planned that after my A levels I would complete a degree in Children’s nursing at Queen’s where I’d been offered a place but from January time, Jesus really began to stir my heart about being an intern at High Kirk. So (with a lot of debate and prayer), I decided to reject my offer and apply for the internship which thankfully God opened a door to! I’m very excited for why Jesus wants me about High Kirk this year! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for our church; how He wants to expand our heart for Himself, for each other and the people in our town. I’m really looking forward to working with the Staff (keeping Andrew right) and getting involved in different ministries!
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