Page 14 - Contact Autumn 2018
P. 14






          Rooted in Christ

          As I looked into the new vestibule,
          I was amazed at how large the
          actual space was and how bright it
          appeared to be. I am so thankful to
          God because He has brought us to
          this stage; a place of new beginnings,
          perhaps even branching out into new   As I was writing this, these verses
          ministries.                         came to my mind and the picture of a
                                              tree planted by a river - a tall, healthy
          What would the new social space and   tree, well-watered because it is rooted
          the various small rooms be used for?   deep in the stream, resplendent with
          Only God knows the answer to that   foliage in rich shades of green.
          question but I am confi dent it will be   I pictured such a tree with words on it.
                                              High Kirk was planted in the 18th
          Psalm ch 1 vs 2-3 says, “His delight   century with the present suite of
          is in the Law of the Lord and on His   buildings being completed in 1976.
          Law He ministries day and night. He   God has guided and directed our
          is like a tree planted by streams of   congregation over the years and I am
          water which yield fruit in season and   so very thankful for the Godly Heritage
          whose leaf does not weather,        that has been passed down through
          whatever he does prospers.”         the generations.
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