Page 3 - Contact Autumn 2018
P. 3

We have moved some of our        Last year the word which I had on
           Communions which used to be in   my heart was intimacy and that
           the evenings to the mornings and   led to a number of studies in the
           I think that encourages us as    Song of Songs. This year the word
           a church to think about how      is invitation and how important
           important table fellowship is. It   it is to be inviting people into the
           models for us what we should be   community of the kingdom of God
           doing more and more in our lives   so we will be exploring the Gospel
           as we try and reach this world.  of Luke. So this autumn and winter
                                            can we be thinking of who we
           As a symbol of the new priority   might be able to invite to a Sunday
           of fellowship for us and of      service, to Café church, to our
           evangelism through hospitality   homes, even to a meal. Let’s follow
           we are creating a space at the   the example of Jesus – let’s eat,
           centre of our church building    pray and love.
           which will lend itself more to
           eating and drinking. Some may    With every blessing,
           think this is a dumbing down of   Norman
           church but surely it is a wonderful
           complement to Bible study, prayer
           meetings, youth work and wor-
           ship. Much of Jesus’ best ministry
           work was done in the context of
           eating and drinking.
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