Page 4 - Contact Winter 2018
P. 4


              Saturday 27th October 2018 was a very             I am also grateful for all who have given
              special day in the ongoing story of High Kirk     to this project and for those who have
              Presbyterian Church. As a congregation            contributed interest free loans to help us
              we had made a big decision and a large            avoid paying interest to the bank. Thank you
              investment in refurbishing and expanding          to you all. We are almost half way to paying
              our suite of buildings to continue our varied     off the cost already. Let’s keep going and
              existing ministries but also, under God, in       clear this as soon as possible. Thank you
              the hope that new ministries would be             also to the finance team under John Jenkin’s
              developed. Many were unsure what the new          leadership who come up with creative ways
              extension would really look like but on the       for people to give, such as our smartie tubes
              Saturday of the Opening day, it became clear      project.
              that people were amazed at the beautiful
              space that had been created.                      At 11.30 a.m. on Saturday morning of the
                                                                Open day I did wonder how many would
              The intent of the original planning group and     come for the opening. I need not have been
              Uel Marcus, the architect, was that we would      worried - hundreds came and enjoyed food,
              seek to utilise as much as possible of the        fellowship and tours of the building. The
              existing building and not extend the footprint    children had a terrific time on the various
              of the building too much. We are pleased          attractions in the McCaughey Hall and we
              that this has been achieved and commend           all benefited from the refreshments laid on
              Uel’s very creative use of space and David        throughout the day by Marie Hamilton and
              Hamilton’s attention to detail and the            her dedicated team. It was a joyful day. On
              quality of the workmanship. As members            the tours, people were also able to see some
              of this congregation I know that for them, like   of the many organisations that we have and
              me, this has been a labour of love. We are all    were amazed at the variety of ministries on
              especially pleased at the airy, bright foyers     offer.
              and that people who are passing outside can
              see in and observe that there is a lot of         The current Moderator Dr Charles McMullen
              activity going on day and night. This building    opened the new foyer and led us in a prayer
              is pulsating with life.                           of dedication. He and his wife Barbara
                                                                enjoyed the tour of the building and Charles
              At the heart of the vision of High Kirk is to     admitted to being a bit envious! We were
              build disciples of Jesus and the new rooms        also delighted to have Russell Birney and
              facilitate new environments to do that for        some of his family with us as Russell opened
              young and old. But also we are a church           the new minor hall which is being called the
              that wants to increasingly look outwards in       Birney Room in recognition of twenty three
              serving our community in love and we are          years of faithful ministry in High Kirk. He
              pleased that we have a dedicated room for         was very honoured to be asked and it was
              Bob’s Store and a clothing bank, as well as       an emotional day for him. In the evening the
              extra rooms for our English classes and Bible     young and young at heart enjoyed a ceilidh
              studies.                                          in the hall and all agreed that it was a great
              Eight years ago a group from Session and
              Committee had visited a number of churches        I am personally excited by the potential of
              which had expanded their social spaces            this building. Yes it is just bricks and mortar
              including Bangor West, Orangefield in             and glass, yet as God’s Spirit dwells in his
              Belfast, Wellington and Green Pastures in         people and as we boldly offer ourselves for
              Ballymena. But it has taken this time for the     ministry and mission there is no telling what
              vision to seed, indeed expand and come to         God can do through this building, dedicated
              fruition. I am thankful for all who have been     to His glory.
              involved over these years in bringing the
              vision to reality.                                Thank you to all for your support and
                                                                prayers. I am honoured and privileged to
                                                                serve you as minister in this great church.
                                                                To God be the Glory.
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