Page 3 - Contact Summer 2017
P. 3


             Cast your mind back 12 months to the AGM in
             March 2016 when initial plans were presented

             on the proposed building project. Estimated
                                                                   When the current building opened in 1976,
             costs were detailed amounting to £1.2 million
                                                                   I am sure that the leadership had no vision that
             with initial targets of £300k needed, to be able
             to seek financial assistance from banks for the       one day we would have adult learning classes,
                                                                   English language classes, two church
                                                                   services on a Sunday morning. What has God
                                                                   got in store for us with this new project that we
             Those milestones seemed so far away and               have not even dreamed about?  When we look
             difficult to achieve. Now having just                 back in a few years we will see that God had
             completed May 2017’s accounts, £272,464               the same plans for us now as He did in 1976
             has been donated. I have been monitoring              and as He did in Jeremiah 29:11 when he said
             month on month how much has been                      “For I know the plans I have for you, declares
             contributed and completing a forecast of when         the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm
             we will meet the various milestones. Every            you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
             month, bar none, the contributions have               Why would we not be excited and want to be
             exceeded that which I have forecasted.
                                                                   involved in it?
             Personally I have been blown away by the              A new website has been developed at http://
             generosity of you all and am really excited  so that everyone
             about what lies ahead when the building               can follow the project and receive information
             project comes to completion.
                                                                   along the way.  It also details the various ways
                                                                   to give whether monthly standing order,
             I can’t wait to hear the chat from parents when       regular giving through the property envelopes,
             they arrive to collect their children from our        one-off donations or gift days.  If you need
             various organisations and can stand and catch         more information on any of these, there are
             up with each other in the corridor, instead of        links on the new website to direct you to where
             waiting for their children to be released into        you will find it; alternatively stop me anytime
             a busy car park. The buzz from the new social         and ask. I am only too happy to help.
             space, when the whole congregation can
             share together before and after the services,
             without the fear of being hit by one of the              Together Changing Lives
             children playing; that those children can play
             with their friends in safety without the risk of      James Hamill
             spilling tea or coffee.
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