Page 5 - Contact Winter 2017
P. 5

My heart;

           my dream;

           my vision;

           my prayer, is simple.

           It’s Jesus!

           It was a late afternoon in the middle of August

           I hadn’t yet started in High Kirk but here I was in
           Ballymena, lounging on quite possibly the comfiest
           sofa ever, with a cup of tea in hand in the house of
           one of the church elders.

           Sharing in life, talking about Jesus, soon the focus
           began to shift about the new chapter about to
           start and with it the question came a little          To see a generation of 0-19s
           something like this: “What’s your vision,             excited to encounter Jesus and
           Andrew? Your big dream for the young people
           of our church?”                                       become equipped to live for Him
                                                                 as they respond to His call to,
           With a momentary pause, expectation etched            “Come, follow me”.
           across the face of the elder, and a smile on my
           face, I leaned forward and said:
                                                                 To see a generation of children,
           “My heart; my dream; my vision; my prayer, is         young people and those who lead
           simple. It’s Jesus!”
                                                                 and disciple them make the only
           Some 3 years later, He is still my vision, my dream,   movement that matters – “that
           my prayer for the children and young people of our
           church. With all that I am and all that I have, I long:  of a solitary soul taking a single
                                                                 step towards Jesus, because
                                                                 Jesus is everything.”

                                                                 [Pete Greig, Dirty Glory].

                                                                 So how will we see this vision come to life?
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