028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk

Before Paul tells us about the different gifts that we have in Romans 12, he describes believers as being like a body, made up of different parts, but all connected to one another. We are mutually dependant on one another but working for a common purpose – the glory of God. 

Because Peter reminds us that our gifts are for the benefit of others, this also means that our relationships with one another should be mutually beneficial. When we use our gifts in the way God wants us to use them, then we will build one another up, strengthening the relationships within the church. 

Because our gifts impact how we respond to the world around us, and because we have different gifts within the body of believers – and within our own families – we will see and react to situations differently to one another. This can often be the cause of conflict amongst members of the Body of Christ, particularly when someone responds to a situation differently to how we think that they should.  

Understanding how the different gifts impact us goes a long way to helping us understand these different responses which will make us more empathetic, and more forgiving, towards one another. 

Save the Dates

Dates – 19 September, 26 September, 3 October and 10 October 2022
Time – 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Location – The Oasis