028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk

Life Groups are an important part of the discipleship journey for our church members at High Kirk. Whether you are a new member or have been a member for a while and want to deepen your relationship with God and with other people in the church community, we encourage you to take advantage of the Life Groups that are present in our church. Life Groups play an important role in developing these relationships.

The early church met together in their homes to learn together, to pray together, to praise together, to care for each other and to build good relationships with the community around them because it reflected Jesus’ model of discipleship – a small group of people who learned together what it meant to be a follower of Jesus.

Life Groups also create a protective environment where we can struggle through the tough questions together – learning and growing together.

Although the essential elements of the Life Groups will be the same, not all groups look the same, focusing on different groups within the church community, such as men, women, younger members, retired members, although most groups have a mix of age, gender and backgrounds.

To find out more or request to join a Life Group, fill out the form below or contact Rowan Zeelie at rowan.zeelie@highkirk.org.uk


If you would like to find out more please contact

Rowan Zeelie, Associate for Discipleship
E: rowan.zeelie@highkirk.org.uk



65-71 Thomas Street
BT43 6AZ

Get in touch:

Call us: (028) 2564 4834
Email us: office@highkirk.org.uk

High Kirk Ballymena Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland | Northern Ireland charity number: NIC105563

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