028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk

Telling A Better Story

High Kirk Church is a place where everyone is welcome. Come and join with others seeking to make sense of life. Our Vision is to be a church creating fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ who are Loving, Learning, Serving and Reaching in His name. Find out more here

New Here? To find out what you can expect in High Kirk use the links below:

Come to Church

Sunday 9th February

Sunday Morning Services
9.30am Service (Also available online)
Rev Norman Cameron
The Story of our Lives (5): The Marriage Covenant
Genesis 2:21-25

Sunday Evening service at 6.30pm
Colin Jenkins

Upcoming Events

Latest news



Our Conference this year is entitled “Presence” and we are delighted to welcome Ben Doolan (St Thomas Church, Newcastle England) to be our main speaker. Moses said to God “If your presence does not...

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The Story of Our Lives

The Story of Our Lives

We all love stories but we are especially fascinated it has to be said by the story of our own lives. Each of us is living out a story from birth to death with many incidents along the way. Everyone...

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Alpha 2025

Alpha 2025

Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. It will run over 10 weeks starting on the 15th of January 2025. Each session looks at a different question that people can...

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Church Online

Watch our Sunday service live here each week or use the links below to catch up:

Contact Magazine

Friendship and conversation over a cup of tea or coffee

10.30am – 12 noon every Thursday

Foodbank and other support

Tuesday, 10am to 12 noon
Thursday, 10am to 12 noon

Men’s Ministry

Various events throughout the year

For those you are looking to
find more out about Jesus

Wednesdays, 7:30pm to 9pm
The Oasis, High Kirk Church

For the entire congregation

First Sunday in the month,
From 6:30pm
The Sanctuary, High Kirk Church

For local Primary school children,
from P3 upwards

Wednesdays, 3.30pm to 5.30pm
High Kirk Church

An environment for youth to grow in faith and community
through worship, Bible teaching, prayer and fun

From 0-18 years old, High Kirk has numerous
opportunities to connect with others and
journey together

For church members of all ages
Different times as agreed with each group host

For church members generally
Wednesdays, 10am to 11:30am
The Birney Room, High Kirk Church



65-71 Thomas Street
BT43 6AZ

Get in touch:

Call us: (028) 2564 4834
Email us: office@highkirk.org.uk

High Kirk Ballymena Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland | Northern Ireland charity number: NIC105563

An MCC site