028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk

Who is it for ?
For everyone

When is it ?
It meets from 10:30am – 12 noon every Thursday

Where is it?
The Foyer café area

Friendship and conversation over a cup of tea or coffee.

Why do we come to the HUB ?

  • The craic is mighty.
  • People are friendly & there’s always someone to talk to.
  • The food is so good.
  • When you live on your own you really appreciate the company.
  • Good fellowship, friendship & the opportunity for good conversation.
  • I just love it – sitting amongst people & having a laugh.
  • The people there are interested in me & I know there will be someone I can talk to or who will pray with me.
  • Fellowship & free buns – what more could you want.
  • It’s a meeting place for recycled teenagers.
  • Gives men the opportunity to chat to one another.

“I look forward to Thursday morning at the hub.
We start off with a time of prayer, which l enjoy.
Then the leaders serve the coffee and buns.
You can have a chat with your friends and bit of crack.
The Hub is special and run by special people, you can feel the presence of God there.”


If you would like to find out more please contact

Nikki Gillan, Associate for Pastoral Care
E: nikki.gillan@highkirk.org.uk
M: 07930 336369



65-71 Thomas Street
BT43 6AZ

Get in touch:

Call us: (028) 2564 4834
Email us: office@highkirk.org.uk

High Kirk Ballymena Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland | Northern Ireland charity number: NIC105563

An MCC site