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Into the Word – Luke 23:18 – 24:53

We’d encourage you to:

–   Print out the devotional if you can

–   Pray before reading to invite the Holy Spirit to guide you and speak to you through His Word

–   Read the Bible passage using One-2-One or the 7 Arrows reading method (see below)

–   Read the devotional

–   Share what you’ve been learning with others every week

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship…”

Acts 2:42 

There’s a couple of different versions you can download:

Print a Booklet Version

Everything is already layout out for you.  Just print on both sides along the short edge.

Screen Version

If you’re just going to use it on your phone download this version.

Other Resources

Here’s some resources to help you read the Bible for yourself:

7 Arrows

This reading method is really helpful.  Their website has video’s to teach you how to use this method.  But if you already know how to use it just follow the link to the printable bookmark.

Website: https://www.sevenarrowsbible.com/

Bookmark: https://0a4cdb92-9e7c-4432-aa30-bf48530101de.filesusr.com/ugd/9956bb_1e32ffd42ced481ab78f672f3674153d.pdf


You should already know this one from Movement.  It might be worth printing out the picture before and keeping it in your Bible if you can.