028 2564 4834 office@highkirk.org.uk

We make the wisest decisions when we have relevant information at hand. Knowing whether you should or shouldn’t do something often comes down whether you will enjoy doing it, whether you’ll be good at doing it, and whether it will impact other people positively. 

Sometimes we have a fear that God will ask us to do something that we’re not very good at doing, or that causes us incredible anxiety. That doesn’t make sense if God is the God who is love. That’s not to say that there are times when we will need to step out of our comfort zones or do things that we might prefer not to do. 

But knowing what our Motivational Gift is helps us to understand why – and how – we do these things, so that rather than being filled with dread and fear, the thought of doing them stimulates us because we have come to understand that God has equipped us in a special way. 

But even better than that, we come to understand that the reason we love doing certain things, and why we’re good at doing them, is because God has given us the passion and the ability to do these things. And so, rather than being a chore, they become a joy. 

Save the Dates

Dates – 19 September, 26 September, 3 October and 10 October 2022
Time – 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Location – The Oasis