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June Kingdom Calls

June Kingdom Calls

One of the most, in fact probably the most prominent story in the whole Bible and of human history is the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. This month in kid’s church we learned about the solemn yet miraculous crucifixion. I often find myself wondering why...
June Kingdom Calls

May Kingdom Calls

What do you think of when you think of extravagance? Expensive gifts, plush hotels, meals so fancy that you aren’t entirely sure what you are eating? The actual definition of extravagance is “a lack of restraint in spending money or using resources”. This month, the...
June Kingdom Calls

April Kingdom Calls

Three servants were each given coins from their master – one received five, another received two and the third servant received one. Each servant was given what the master thought they were capable of taking care of. This passage highlights a stark contrast between...
June Kingdom Calls

March Kingdom Calls

The unhurried pace of Jesus. The frustration of Mary. The confusion of Martha. The story of Lazarus is one that never fails to leave me with wonder. John tells us that Jesus’ friend Lazarus is on the brink of death and so Jesus is summoned to heal him. Surprisingly,...
June Kingdom Calls

February Kingdom Calls

When one person is saved, heaven rejoices. Have you ever tried to imagine what that looks like? Perhaps you have spent years yearning for someone who is lost. Maybe you have prayed until it feels like you have nothing left, yet you are met with what feels like a...
June Kingdom Calls

January Kingdom Calls

Which miraculous moment in Matthew 15 captures your attention the most? Is it the unsettling thought of the Gentile crowd being hungry for 3 days? Perhaps it is how Jesus manages to feed 4000 hungry men alongside women and children with 7 small loaves and a few fish?...
June Kingdom Calls

Kingdom Calls

Kingdom Calls is a monthly piece written by Amy Turner, based on a story which the children have learned during that month in their programmes. You will read a quotation from a different child each month sharing what they have been learning. There will be prayer...